Kjerag Summer Hike “Beat the Crowd”

Kjerag Summer Hike “Beat the Crowd”

KJERAG SUMMER HIKE - "BEAT THE CROWDS"  when to go:June 1. - august 31. participants:max. 8 PEOPLE (16 years or above) Duration:Total of ~ 12.5 hours (6h hiking)12KM Hike800m Acsention Price 2025:2.790NOK PER PERSONAdrenaline level:Difficulty level:Scenic beauty...

Kjerag Autumn Hike

Kjerag Autumn Hike

AUTUMN HIKE TO KJERAG BOLT When to go:September 1. - November 15.More Kjerag hikes Participants:7 PEOPLE (16 years or above) Duration:Total of~11 hours11 KM Hike800 m Acsention Price:1490 NOK Per personAdrenaline level:Difficulty level:Scenic beauty level:Suitable for...

Preikestolen Sunrise Hike

Preikestolen Sunrise Hike

PREIKESTOLEN SUNRISE HIKE WHEN TO GO:APRIL 1 - october 31 participants:MAXIMUM: 8 HikersMUST BE:≥ 6 years old> 15kg | 33lbs.> 105cm | 3ft. 6in. Please do not book tours that exceedyour skill-level or physical abilities. Duration:Totally ~8 hours (5-6 hours...

Preikestolen hidden trail hike

Preikestolen hidden trail hike

PREIKESTOLEN HIDDEN TRAIL WHEN TO GO:May - September PARTICIPANTS:MAXIMUM: 8 HikersMUST BE:≥ 8 years old> 15kg | 33lbs.> 105cm | 3ft. 6in. Please do not book tours that exceedyour skill-level or physical abilities. Duration:9-10 hours (8 Hours hiking, incl....

Lysefjorden Safari classic

Lysefjorden Safari classic

  LYSEFJORDENSAFARI CLASSIC   When to go:every day From May to end of septemberDepartures from stavanger at 10:00min age:Children younger than 14 only in companion with an adult. Absolute minimum age is 4 years Duration:2 hoursAdrenaline level:Scenic beauty...

Lysefjorden safari Flørli 4444

Lysefjorden safari Flørli 4444

LYSEFJORDEN SAFARI FLØRLI 4444RIB & HIKE   WHEN TO GO:Every saturday between 19.june - 28.augustMeet up 15 minutes prior to the trip MinimUM Participants:It is required minimum 6 tickets sold. Otherwise the trip will be cancelled, and there will be a full...



TEAMBUILDING When to go: ANY TIME IS FINE Passengers: 11 per boat Duration: FROM 1 - 3 HOURS Price range: Thats up to you, depending on what you desire Adrenaline level: Scenic beauty level: Teambuilding sucess level: If you are looking for a teambuilding amongst...

1H RIB action for private groups

1H RIB action for private groups

  1 HOUR RIB ACTION   When to go:WHEN YOU WANT TO, ON REQUEST pERSON:mAXIMUM 12 PERSONS PR BOAT Duration:1 HOUR included safety informationDIFFICULTY level: Adrenaline level: Scenic beauty level:   PRIVATE CHARTER FOR GROUPS, BACHELOR PARTIES We offer a...

Preikestolen Spring Hike

Preikestolen Spring Hike

SPRING HIKE TO PREIKESTOLEN WHEN TO GO: 2018 SeasON: March 12 - april 23 MAXIMUM People: 7 PEOPLE (8 years or above) Duration: total 9-10 hours8 km hike500m Acsention Price: 1190 NOK Per person Adrenaline level: Difficulty level:Scenic beauty level: Suitable for...

All Our Guided Hikes

All Our Guided Hikes

GUIDED PREMIUM HIKESWe invite you to a variety of unique hiking adventures in Lysefjorden, all year round! Norway is a land of fjords; valleys carved by glaciers long ago and now flooded by the ocean. Lysefjorden is one of the most beautiful fjords, and is located an...

Kayak rental in Jørpeland

Kayak rental in Jørpeland

KAYAK RENTAL IN  JØRPELAND When to go:APRIL - NOVEMBER Duration:1 - 5 DAYS (longer on request) Meeting point: Jørpeland harbour (Jørpelandsvågen) Look for beachflag with Fjordexpedition.Vågabakken 29, 4100 Jørpeland is the closest navi address. Price range:Single...

Daily guided tours from Jørpeland

Daily guided tours from Jørpeland

FJORD TOURS FROM JØRPELAND WhEN TO GO:11.00 daily 01.04-31.1011.00 and 17.00 01.06-31.08 Meeting point:Jørpeland harbour (Jørpelandsvågen)Look for beachflag with Fjordexpedition.Direktør Sæthers Gate 37, 4100 Jørpeland is the closest navi address. Prices:Adult: NOK...

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